Bouquet Charm (Lace Circle: Tiered Single Sided)


Our handmade Remembrance Charm for your bridal bouquet is a beautiful and personalized addition to your special day. Each bouquet charm is custom-made to your specifications, from the number of photo tiers to the attachment method (ribbon, pin, or both) and the bottom charm. Your charm will be ready to add to your bouquet when you receive it.

Choose from a light silver, dark silver, or gold-plated circle pendants for your remembrance charm. Each photo has with a sealed cover to protect the photo(s). Each charm overall is approximately ~1.3″ in diameter, with a photo inside that is approximately ~.78″. We color correct and size your photos before making your special bouquet photo charm.

For the bottom charm, there are many options to choose from including (please see photo above to see options):
❤ NO bottom charm
❤ “Always in my heart” heart charm (wording can not be changed)
❤ Small White Heart
❤ Small Blue Heart
❤ Personalized Wording
❤ Personalized Wording + White Heart
❤ Personalized Wording + Blue Heart

After ordering please upload your photo(s) at: or email Please note: Also, please do NOT submit copyrighted photos. We do not assume responsibility/liability for copyrighted photos.
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